Fast Flexible & Cost-Effective Dewatering

Zebratube® Geotextile bags for all your dewatering and sludge removal projects

Advantages of using ZebraTube® Dewatering Tubes
  • Rapid dewatering of large and small wastewater and sludge volumes within a short period
  • We can easily scale your dewatering process based on your requirements
  • Minimum skilled labour required
  • Minimal maintenance and low energy use
  • Scaping efficient – Tubes can be stacked on to one another saving you space
  • Filtrate can be captured, allowing for containment, recycling and re-use

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    Large-scale dewatering bags

    The production of sludge and its required dewatering for re-use or disposal represents a significant capital and operating cost to wide range of industries. Industrial and mining operations typically generate large volumes of sludge that require environmentally friendly containment and disposal. Furthermore, large quantities of wastewater and sewage sludge is produced globally.

    In addition to the dewatering of slurries produced through continuous production processes, many industries are faced with silted-up dams that require dredging along with the dewatering and containment of the dredged material.

    Conventionally dewatering is achieved through mechanical means, using dewatering equipment such as a filter press, horizontal belt filter or centrifuge. Where mechanical means are not used sludge can be disposed of in a containment dam, spoil area or evaporation dam, all of which require large footprints.

    Zebratube®’s geotextile dewatering and containment solutions provide a fast, flexible, efficient and cost-effective alternative to conventional dewatering methods. Our dewatering bags offer high volume dewatering capacity whilst utilising a small footprint.

    Our dewatering tubes have been successfully applied in a wide range of industries such as:

    • Mining
    • Water and wastewater
    • Coastal protection and marine construction
    • Food and beverage
    • Pulp and paper
    • Power generation

    To use our simple on-line sizing calculator click on the link below.

    Small-scale dewatering bags

    Our small-scale dewatering bags are perfectly suited for the dewatering and containment of waste in the following sectors:

    • Mining
    • Agriculture
    • Food and Beverage
    • Small-scale water and wastewater treatment
    • Golf courses
    • Residential estates

    To use our simple on-line sizing calculator click on the link below.